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112 - Configuring DOS for BreakPoint

  BreakPoint is not very particular about the DOS environment in which it operates. There are, however, a number of simple DOS configuration settings which may be used to achieve optimum performance with BreakPoint.

The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is used by DOS as an initial set of instructions which are executed automatically when the computer is first turned on. This file may be used by BreakPoint in a number of ways:

1. You must include the DOS utility SHARE.EXE in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This may be accomplished by including the following commands in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
This command is required by BreakPoint in order to operate correctly under DOS. If you fail to include SHARE in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you may encounter system errors when trying to access PLU Items or Customers in BreakPoint.

2. You may include commands to cause BreakPoint to be invoked automatically whenever the computer is first turned on. This is referred to as operating BreakPoint in the TURNKEY mode.

If you would like to operate BreakPoint in the TURNKEY mode, such that BreakPoint is invoked automatically whenever the computer is turned on or rebooted, include the following commands in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
CD \BP101 (or whatever directory your BreakPoint is under)

3. You may include a command to invoke the disk caching utility SMARTDRV in DOS. Disk caching utilities enable your computer hard drive to operate faster and with fewer disk accesses. To utilize SMARTDRV, include the following command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:

Network users may wish to use a network disk caching utility instead of SMARTDRV. For example, in the Novell Lite operating system, there is a disk caching utility called NWCACHE which performs the same basic function of improving disk performance that SMARTDRV performs. It is important to note, however, that only one disk caching utility should be used at any one time, such that SMARTDRV and NWCACHE should never be used at the same time.

4. You may wish to use Extended Memory for some of the above DOS commands. Using Extended Memory for DOS utilities will permit your computer to retain more of the basic 640K conventional memory for operating BreakPoint and other application programs.

In order to use Extended Memory, you must place certain commands in the CONFIG.SYS file. These commands are reviewed in the following section.

Once you have placed the correct commands in the CONFIG.SYS file, you may adjust the above commands in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file according to the following:

The CONFIG.SYS file is used by DOS to establish certain operating conditions for the computer when it is first turned on or rebooted. Some of these operating conditions can be adjusted to permit optimum operating conditions for BreakPoint.

1. The FILES setting in the CONFIG.SYS file instructs DOS with regard to how many files you may intend to use at any one time. Adjusting the FILES setting can improve the performance of any DOS application and reduce the workload on the hard drive. Some applications will not even operate under DOS unless there is a certain minimum FILES setting. Although BreakPoint will operate under any FILES setting, it is recommended that you use a minimum setting (you may go higer if you wish) of FILES=30 in your CONFIG.SYS file by including the following command:

2. The BUFFERS setting in the CONFIG.SYS file permits some basic disk caching which can improve the performance of any DOS application and reduce the workload on the hard drive. Some applications will not even operate under DOS unless there is a certain minimum BUFFERS setting. Although BreakPoint will operate with any BUFFERS setting, it is recommended that you use a minimum setting (you may go higher if you wish) of BUFFERS=30,4 in your CONFIG.SYS file by including the following command:

3. The FCBS setting in the CONFIG.SYS file instructs DOS with regard to how many file control blocks you intend to use at any one time. Adjusting the FCBS setting can improve the performance of any DOS application and reduce the workload on the hard drive. Some applications will not even operate under DOS unless there is a certain minimum FCBS setting. Although BreakPoint will operate under any FCBS setting, it is recommended that you use a minimum setting (you may go higher if you wish) of FCBS=30,4 in your CONFIG.SYS file by including the following command:

4. You may wish to use Extended Memory for a number of your DOS utilities. Using Extended Memory for DOS utilities will permit your computer to retain more of the 640K conventional memory for operating BreakPoint and other application programs.

In order to use Extended Memory, you must place certain commands in the CONFIG.SYS file. You may wish to include the following:

Once you have loaded HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.SYS, you may begin to include commands that will force certain DOS utilities to run in Extended Memory. For example, you may wish to load DOS itself into Extended Memory by including the following command in the CONFIG.SYS file:

Other device drivers that you wish to include in your CONFIG.SYS may be loaded into Extended Memory using the DEVICEHIGH command.

BreakPoint requires a minimum of 400K of the conventional 640K RAM memory to operate at its optimum performance. Accordingly, it is recommended that you begin with a minimum of 400K of available conventional memory after bootup. BreakPoint does not require any extended memory in order to operate.

In addition, the BreakPoint Technical Support Group utilizes remote communication software in order to provide online support services which requires about 80K of additional conventional memory. If you wish to operate BreakPoint and access online technical support, it is recommended that you begin with a minimum of 500K of available conventional memory after bootup.

Beginning with the standard 640K of conventional RAM memory and using reasonable AUTOEXEC.BAT file and CONFIG.SYS file settings, there should be no difficulty in acquiring 550K of available conventional memory after bootup. Please contact BreakPoint Technical Support Services if you require assistance.

BreakPoint can be configured to operate under virtually any disk space configuration. BreakPoint has been designed to operate with a minimum of two megabytes of free disk space.

However, for the average retail cashier environment, it is recommended that BreakPoint be loaded onto a system with a minimum of 100 Megabytes of available disk space. This will permit ample disk space for system growth, including the ongoing accumulation of BreakPoint Journal Files and BreakPoint Cashout Files that are produced daily.

If there are disk space limitations which may affect the performance of BreakPoint, you may wish to review technical information regarding BreakPoint System Maintenance to ensure that you are taking all possible steps to reduce disk space usage. Please contact BreakPoint Technical Support Services if you require assistance.

BreakPoint supports numerous point-of-sale peripherals, such as receipt and invoice printers, rear customer displays, bar code scanners, weigh scales, specialized keyboards, cash drawers, magnetic card readers, smart card readers, and much more. These peripherals are connected to the BreakPoint computer using a variety of Computer Ports, such as Serial and Parallel Ports.

The number of Serial and Parallel Ports that you require for your BreakPoint computer will vary according to the number of peripherals you intend to connect. Because many of the peripherals listed above require a Serial Port connection, it is recommended that the Parallel Ports (LPT1 and LPT2) are used for printers rather than Serial Ports. This will leave the available Serial Ports (COM1 and COM2) for connecting to other peripherals.

In some cases, there is a need to use more than two Serial Ports with BreakPoint. This is a problem for most computers which are only capable of addressing two Serial Ports, COM1 and COM2. In order to add additional Serial Ports COM3 and COM4 to your BreakPoint computer, you may need to add a special serial port computer card to your computer. Please contact BreakPoint Technical Support Services if you require assistance with utilizing COM3 and COM4 Serial Ports.

Sample DOS Configuration Files

The following are examples of typical AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files for a BreakPoint workstation that has only the standard 640K conventional memory and no extended memory:

@echo off
prompt $p$g
call runbp


The following are examples of typical AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files for a BreakPoint workstation that has the standard 640K conventional memory and a minimum of 2 Megabytes of extended memory:


@echo off
prompt $p$g
lh \dos\share
lh \dos\smartdrv
call runbp

device=\dos\emm386.exe noems

The following are examples of typical AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and STARTNET.BAT files for a BreakPoint workstation that has the standard 640K conventional memory, a minimum of 2 Megabytes of extended memory, and is operating BreakPoint under a Novell Lite/Personal Network:


@echo off
prompt $p$g
lh \nwclient\startnet.bat
call runbp

device=\dos\emm386.exe noems


CD \nwclient
nwcache 1024 512 /lend=on /delay=on
lh \dos\share
lh lsl
lh ne2000
lh ipxodi
lh server
net login supervisor
cd \

These sample files are recommended for systems that are operating BreakPoint only. Other software applications may require additional DOS configuration settings that are not discussed here. In some rare cases, configuration settings required for other software applications may even conflict with those required for BreakPoint. If you encounter difficulties with some particular DOS configuration, please contact BreakPoint Technical Support Services for assistance.

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